“not vice” Reaches a Million Page Views

VICE adversarial blog has reached a million page views (updated)

Daniel Voshart
not vice


This blog has reached a milestone with one million views. Mostly thanks to three articles which account for 70% of clicks:

#1 Vice Media Kit : A Warning for Advertisers (360,000 views)

On Vice Media’s strategy of over-hyping their media kit which led to their myth of popularity.

#2 Shane Smith: “Billionaire” and “Regular Guy” (171,000 views)

How Shane Smith, the CEO of Vice, repeatedly falsified his past to sound like a tough-guy drug dealer but was really an upper-middle-class kid from a good school in sleepy government town. (Part 3 of 4)

#3 Branding VICE (167,000 views)

About how Vice games news feeds by injecting branding into stories. Shane and editorial staff deny brand influence but behaviour and analysis says otherwise. (Part 4 of 4)

While there were 996,000 views there were only 220,000 full reads (longer than average posts at ~7min each). Which equals about 26 years worth of reading.

“There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Mark Twain (popularized by)

Still reading?

Good … because I have a secret. This blog has not reached a million page views. Every number in this article was multiplied by ten to make a point about how Vice Media bullshits their statistics. (An employee told me Vice exaggerates the magazine circulation in their country by ten. Shane claims an audience of 200 million but Comscore, a trusted analytics firm, showed closer to 23 million. Shane claims Vice publishes 7000 pieces of content a day but only publishes 70 original articles a day. etc. etc. etc.)

So to be clear about not vice’s real numbers:

  • 101,000 page views
  • 22,500 full reads
  • ~2.6 years worth of reading
  • The graph is real



DANIEL VOSHART works in Virtual Reality and Architecture; dabbles in Cinematography and Forensic consulting; and occasionally s***posts about Vice.

